Saturday, November 10, 2012

Rebelution - Safe and Sound (Zion-I Remix)

"Yeah this the kinda sound that I wanna hear. Yeah this the kinda vibe that I wanna feel."

Jan 26, is only 2 months away... meaning I will be turning 24! I've had this tucked in the back of my mind since last winter. Entering full adulthood and leaving the comforts of childhood mentality. Although, I do have a child-like spirit that will live as long as I'm around, adulthood does involved sacrifice. Joining work forces, paying bills, raising children... leaving the structure of school and entering the "real world". Finding your own path. Challenging your perceptions while letting go of selfishness and ignorance. Weird times. Also, VERY FUN TIMES! I wanted to approach my 24th birthday feeling wise, physically/mentally/emotionally healthy. I understand that I (or anyone else) will never be "perfect". There is no need to put that pressure upon any person. I just try my best each day. Some days I'll look back thinking "what was I thinking when I said that?", not relating to myself just 1 day before. Lots of changing and growing. My goal by 24, to be living a life I want. I think I am. Working a pretty sweet job at the Cafe. I'd like to land more gigs, but that can always change. Podcasting and Martinez Girlz Production ALL DAY LONG. My theater has become WRESTLING! I am so thrilled to have become involved in wrestling! I look forward to really getting into character(s) and performing more! So basically, things aren't completely ideal. I'd like to be living in a house, have a new car... again, along with money, those things come and go. I feel like I'm on the right path. EXACTLY dead on, where I need to be now. 

In saying all this, I hope your life is "the kinda vibe that you wanna feel." Regardless of what has been thrown at you, your making the best of it! Rebelution's Bright Side of Life & Peace Of Mind album has been inspiring me. Didn't expect on falling so hard for Rebelution! That's how I've been starting my days. Also, take a peek at The Martinez Girlz Facebook for recent pics from Hoodslam and Halloween + more fun stuff! Click link: Martinez Girlz Radio FB

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