Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Getting Political

This year I finally decided to register to vote. It's something I'd been putting off for years. I leaned more towards a "conspiracy theorist" over any political parties. I questioned the integrity of the voting system. Then, I became a medical marijuana patient and began advocating. I started asking, "Does my vote REALLY count?" I thought the influence of voter was stronger exercised in smaller, community, affairs. But I just don't have a clear answer. I think voting can work. My involvement in the cannabis community reminded and emphasized the importance of voting to me. I figured that I mine as well try, the worst is waste of time or maybe it might actually change things! Besides, it's my right as a female American, why shouldn't I exercise it? It wasn't always so easy. So here you go, Obama... you have my vote! I'll join your party, Democrats. And I'll continue to vote and hold onto the optimism of throwing choices out there! Below is a quick Veetle I made when I got back home from voting... to the future!
Click Video to Watch!

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