Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Cafe Danielle Teaser

It's officially Spring meaning bikini season is right around the corner! Just in time for Cafe Danielle's fitness series! We're kicking it off with spin instructor, Ben Bruker. This afternoon we met at my favorite coffee shop, sat outside in the sun, and chatted fitness. I'm super excited to share this fun fitness episode... I just HAD TO upload a YouTube teaser until full episode is available on TheMartinezGirlz.com

Friday, March 22, 2013

Eat Pray Love: BALANCE


I'm totally going to girl out... so deal with it! ;) A few weeks back, Shelly and I were in the mood to watch, "Eat, Pray, Love" (the movie based off the true events of Elizabeth Gilbert's journey). I find this movie very inspiring and thought provoking. Balance. Happiness. Love. Spirituality. Peace. How do you attain and manage these things? For me, this story is a reminder that in order to maintain balance, you will loose balance at times. What is balance anyways? It's not about evenly dividing life... it's more about portioning your life in a way that inspires individual joy and peace. Everyone is so different. We're all headed different directions. We are pulled towards a direction and we choose which paths to take, sometimes we share the road. We prioritize our life based on our individual perceptions of "importance." For example, In this fabulous movie, the main character, "Liz Gilbert", is conflicted because she posses a career, marriage, friends yet was still unsatisfied. Something wasn't working. According to the perspective of her married friend, Delia Shiraz... Liz was accomplishing the model of a balanced modern woman. What's considered stable for one person may lead to instability for another. We have varying ideas on what's important and the extent we should focus on it... where do we find our balance?

The story continues to unfold, revealing a sincere journey. Where people come in your life to learn lessons from, grow, or simply make connections. Doesn't necessarily mean they stick around forever. There is a point where you let go and hold on to a few. Regardless the scenarios, these relationships leave our life with more meaning.

I can dissect this further but we haven't even touched on the subject of TRAVEL! Traveling is so healthy for the soul's growth. Expands your perspective. I'm itching to travel. Whether it's Bollywood flicks, tasty curry dishes, or just appreciating the stunning beauty dripping from the rich culture... for COUNTLESS years I've been magnetically drawn towards INDIA. I find their art and philosophy fascinating! I will find myself there one day. I also enjoyed the scenes in this movie where Liz goes to Italy. Who wouldn't love to share a huge pasta dinner with wine and hearty Italian locals? Until I  can afford that Euro-India trip... I will continue exploring outside my comfort zone NOW. Not being afraid of loosing balance or worrisome over how I portion my time. Instead, I will focus on seeking peace and finding some balance at whatever life throws at me. Ignite the creative part of my brain that molds my responses to situations. Focusing on response, when it happens it happens... deal with it. As opposed to focusing and fixating on things before they even happen. I'd rather use that energy to take in life and run with it! IMPROVISE. We all have the right to pursue what individually brings us joy and peace. We should be understanding, supportive, and sensitive to everyone's individual journey... So, let's go for it!
You cant force things. Timing is everything. In saying that, the past month I've been rolling with life. Allowing myself to loose balance so I can reprioritize my life. Things are becoming normalized. I'm ready to start a new routine, nurture a new relationship, and intergrade that with what brings me joy... finding a new peaceful balance. Life is constantly renewing itself, so why shouldn't I do the same? CafĂ© Danielle has taken a brief hiatus. I've been emailing back and forth with potential guests for weeks. Finally, we are starting to lock in dates! Lots of good things on the horizon! Keep an eye out! Meanwhile, if you haven't seen, "Eat, Pray, Love", go indulge yourself! ;)