I've found myself very drawn to the artist, Grimes, lately. I'm a fairly new fan. After watching live performances on YouTube and reading her bio... I couldn't help but have this week's Café Danielle feature Grimes! This episode of Martinez Girlz Radio will be up on VOC Nation Friday. I wish I could've interviewed Grimes but until that day, we'll be discussing her, her music, and the inspiration she stirs up in my life. Above is a PHENOMONIAL, RAW, performance of "Be a Body" by Grimes.
Monday, October 21, 2013
Tuesday, October 8, 2013
Taylen Delgado's music video "Drive" has made it's debut on YouTube! I've been blogging, tweeting, and instagramming in anticipation! Watch Taylen shine and sing her heart out in the streets of Downtown LA, Hollywood, Venice Beach, and the underground LA Metro. I felt privileged to work with Taylen and her professional crew. It was an amazing experience! The camera definitely captured that magic! It was fantastic going back to being 17 years old with Taylen and Allison Sharpe!
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
It's finally here! Cafe Danielle proudly presents exclusive interview with Australian pop artist, Taylen Delgado! Shelly and I sat down with Taylen on this week's Martinez Girlz Radio, link available on shellymartinez.org and iTunes.
I met Taylen through working on her music video. I had so much fun that I had to blog about it! (See post from June 29) After the shoot, we planned to meet up before she went back to Australia. The weeks flew by and just like that Taylen was heading home. I thought she'd make a fantastic Cafe Danielle guest. I asked her and she was totally cool to do an interview! So, Taylen and her mom invited both Martinez Girlz over for snacks and podcasting. They instantly connected with Shelly! Taylen's mumsie was a wonderful host and we really treasured the conversations prior to recording with her. Taylen's openness and bubbly personality made it very natural to get lost in conversation. We were impressed by the extremely smart, funny, beautiful spirited, young, lady we got to chat with.
Friday, August 23, 2013
I went to a Christian University where we studied and discussed how man-made The Bible truly is. With different versions due to writers and publishers theological bias. Regardless of your opinion, can we agree it's a wise collection of meaningful stories, lessons, poems, songs... just quality literature?
I received a small music scholarship and was in the women's choir. We sang a gorgeous arrangement with verses from Chapter 13 of Corinthians from The Bible. I found myself gravitating towards that verse today. So beautiful and true. Such deep meaning embedded in the literature! I decided to share the whole chapter.
Corinthians 13
If I speak in the tongues of men or of angels, but do not have love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and give over my body to hardship that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when completeness comes, what is in part disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me. For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known. And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.
Saturday, June 29, 2013
A few days ago I met with a pretty, purple-haired, girl and her mother at a coffee shop in LA. It was in response to a casting for a music video I submitted for. We instantly clicked and I was hired on! Little did I know the fun that lay ahead!
Taylen Delgado, is an emerging INTERNATIONAL pop star! A talented and sweet, young, Aussie! We were joined by our new blonde buddy, actress, Allison Sharpe. We became the Three Amigos, Three Musketeers... what have you, point is we were a BFF trio!! Running around the streets of Hollywood and the sands of Venice Beach. Getting into trouble. Non-stop dancing! Being carefree, silly, and young!
I was hesitant to take the gig because I was feeling depressed over my grandma's death. But I knew I had to keep focusing on moving my life forward. Not locked away from the world. I'm so happy I was involved in Taylen's music video shoot. It was a pleasure working with Taylen! It was wonderful making new connections! Meeting fantastic people! I will post the link of the video when it's released. For latest updates and everything Taylen go to: officialtaylen.com She's super cool, so check out her music and fabulous photos on her site. Support artists! :)
"This place is just a shell, external/ You're a warrior, Fighting for your soul/ Re-unite them return the princess to her king/ and then she'll be filled with joy/ like the days of her youth." -Matisyahu; "Warrior"
Reggae and Jazz is all I've been able to listen to while mourning my grandma's death. Her funeral was Monday. We tossed roses down onto her casket before they covered her grave up with dirt. Doves were released as we said our final goodbye. I've been living through very real moments... some force me to confront life in a raw, inescapable, way. It's been emotionally and spiritually heavy. While at the same time, completely surreal. I felt honored to help my family make her funeral arrangements. Glad we could pay such beautiful respects. Also, very therapeutic. Although, it was odd going shopping with my sister, mom, and cousin for an outfit to bury my grandma in. We found something perfect. I ironed it in the morning before dropping it off at the mortuary. A place that has a haunting stench of formaldehyde.
In sharing all this I hope to paint a very real picture. This experience continues to alter my perspective. As I continue mourning, I can't stomach just any type of music. I tried listening to music on the radio but kept getting annoyed with themes of materialism and irresponsibility. Sure I'm just in a sensitive place right now. Reggae has helped me through this extremely difficult time. Songs about spirituality, love, finding deeper meanings... this is exactly what's on my mind and needs feeding.
Matisyahu speaks my language in so many of his songs. It's comforting to relate with. Recently, I've been finding myself playing Matisyahu's "Warrior" on repeat. I remembered having a panic attack before my grandma's open casket/wake. I was on a walk crying, feeling overwhelmed. I listened to "Warrior" and felt a sense of peace. I knew that I had to stay strong and "return the princess to her king" the way she deserves.
Below, is "Warrior" LIVE! This version is so pretty and melodic. I couldn't find any other live performance that captured exactly what this one did. P.S. Don't know why it has Spanish subtitles but here's an opportunity to brush up on your español!
Sunday, June 16, 2013
Had a full day extravaganza celebrating Peter's 24th Birthday, Friday! I'd been going through a lot, personally. Peter had been working all week... we both decided to keep the day simple and relaxing. So, we stayed in Hollywood. We enjoyed champagne bruch at home. I love cooking for others, especially for my special, young, Bday man! In late afternoon we strolled over to Cabo Cantina to redeem Peter's Bday promotion. It's actually a pretty cool offer. Sign up online for free meal and bottle of champane on your Bday!
Afterwards, we let the good time feelings simmer. We took the dogs for a long walk. Was so peaceful spending the breezy early evening in nature. We took it easy for a fews hours then got ready to go out for round 2. Below, is a video and pics from our pizza party at The Rainbow Bar & Grill.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
CLICK HERE for more pictures from Danielle's arm wrestling match vs. Jezabel Romo at Santino Bros Wrestling Academy. If you can't catch the weekly showcase live on Ustream, watch matches on Santino Bros YouTube
Friday, May 10, 2013
"I believe in pink. I believe that laughing is the best calorie burner. I believe in kissing, kissing a lot. I believe in being strong when everything seems to be going wrong. I believe that happy girls are the prettiest girls. I believe that tomorrow is another day and I believe in miracles."
"I'm an introvert... I love being by myself, love being outdoors, love taking a long walk with my dogs and looking at the trees, flowers, the sky."
"I was asked to act when I couldn't act. I was asked to sing 'Funny Face' when I couldn't sing, and dance with Fred Astaire when I couldn't dance - and do all kinds of things I wasn't prepared for. Then I tried like mad to cope with it."
"Paris is always a good idea."
-Audrey Hepburn.
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
"You say goodbye and I say hello, hello, hello..."
Turned my key in and officially called it quits at my first coffee shop job! I totally embraced the barista learning experience. My love and understanding of coffee has deepened. This job gave me the opportunity to develop an entire new skill! I'm incredibly grateful. It was kinda scary deciding to let go of something that had become such a big part of my life... but I started to get too comfortable. I was ready for new challenges. A complete re-shifting of my life. So, I updated and printed out tons of resumes. I was anticipating to be on the job hunt for at least a couple weeks. Surprisingly, within 2 days of serious searching, I found a cute cafe nearby who was interested in hiring me! We took a chance on each other and I began my trail period with them. Working 2 hourly jobs is DEFINITELY a situation I'd like to avoid in the future! Don't know how people can maintain sanity while trying to juggle a full, balanced, life. Turns me into an irritable, overwhelmed, deprived, state of being. Had a few days that ended in stressful tear shed. Including moments of feeling like I couldn't physically handle the strain. Then, you stop singing the "sorry for myself" tunes. Take a huge breath and look around. Take in reality. Rationally re- approach goals. Just gotta get through and realizes how good you really have it in the meantime... instead of being bitter. I've gained so much during this time of my life. That's why I had to take pictures on my last day of work. I left some sweet touches to remember me by.... like my signature bugged eyed, flower, doodle! When the labels peel away, my memories of this special place will stick forever!(Feeling so sentimental!) But "you say 'goodbye' and I say 'hello, hello, hello' " to a new chapter. I'm so excited to discover a new balance of working and performing. Find a routine that leaves room for exercise and a social life. I'm reclaiming my time! My flexible schedule will allow me to really focus on Martinez Girlz Productions. My GRACIOUS friend gave me her old computer so... TA DA new computer for me! Meaning, I can start editing again! Watch out world, here we come!!
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Cafe Danielle Teaser
It's officially Spring meaning bikini season is right around the corner! Just in time for Cafe Danielle's fitness series! We're kicking it off with spin instructor, Ben Bruker. This afternoon we met at my favorite coffee shop, sat outside in the sun, and chatted fitness. I'm super excited to share this fun fitness episode... I just HAD TO upload a YouTube teaser until full episode is available on TheMartinezGirlz.com
Friday, March 22, 2013
Eat Pray Love: BALANCE
I'm totally going to girl out... so deal with it! ;) A few weeks back, Shelly and I were in the mood to watch, "Eat, Pray, Love" (the movie based off the true events of Elizabeth Gilbert's journey). I find this movie very inspiring and thought provoking. Balance. Happiness. Love. Spirituality. Peace. How do you attain and manage these things? For me, this story is a reminder that in order to maintain balance, you will loose balance at times. What is balance anyways? It's not about evenly dividing life... it's more about portioning your life in a way that inspires individual joy and peace. Everyone is so different. We're all headed different directions. We are pulled towards a direction and we choose which paths to take, sometimes we share the road. We prioritize our life based on our individual perceptions of "importance." For example, In this fabulous movie, the main character, "Liz Gilbert", is conflicted because she posses a career, marriage, friends yet was still unsatisfied. Something wasn't working. According to the perspective of her married friend, Delia Shiraz... Liz was accomplishing the model of a balanced modern woman. What's considered stable for one person may lead to instability for another. We have varying ideas on what's important and the extent we should focus on it... where do we find our balance?
The story continues to unfold, revealing a sincere journey. Where people come in your life to learn lessons from, grow, or simply make connections. Doesn't necessarily mean they stick around forever. There is a point where you let go and hold on to a few. Regardless the scenarios, these relationships leave our life with more meaning.
I can dissect this further but we haven't even touched on the subject of TRAVEL! Traveling is so healthy for the soul's growth. Expands your perspective. I'm itching to travel. Whether it's Bollywood flicks, tasty curry dishes, or just appreciating the stunning beauty dripping from the rich culture... for COUNTLESS years I've been magnetically drawn towards INDIA. I find their art and philosophy fascinating! I will find myself there one day. I also enjoyed the scenes in this movie where Liz goes to Italy. Who wouldn't love to share a huge pasta dinner with wine and hearty Italian locals? Until I can afford that Euro-India trip... I will continue exploring outside my comfort zone NOW. Not being afraid of loosing balance or worrisome over how I portion my time. Instead, I will focus on seeking peace and finding some balance at whatever life throws at me. Ignite the creative part of my brain that molds my responses to situations. Focusing on response, when it happens it happens... deal with it. As opposed to focusing and fixating on things before they even happen. I'd rather use that energy to take in life and run with it! IMPROVISE. We all have the right to pursue what individually brings us joy and peace. We should be understanding, supportive, and sensitive to everyone's individual journey... So, let's go for it!
You cant force things. Timing is everything. In saying that, the past month I've been rolling with life. Allowing myself to loose balance so I can reprioritize my life. Things are becoming normalized. I'm ready to start a new routine, nurture a new relationship, and intergrade that with what brings me joy... finding a new peaceful balance. Life is constantly renewing itself, so why shouldn't I do the same? Café Danielle has taken a brief hiatus. I've been emailing back and forth with potential guests for weeks. Finally, we are starting to lock in dates! Lots of good things on the horizon! Keep an eye out! Meanwhile, if you haven't seen, "Eat, Pray, Love", go indulge yourself! ;)
Saturday, February 9, 2013
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Cafe Danielle goes to music showcase at Hotel Cafe
Last Saturday night I brought my humble, little, camera down to Hotel Cafe in Hollywood. Brian Zombie and I went to watch R.O.T.N.'s first show! We were pleasantly surprised to hear other musical talents, as well. It was a great show and I got LOTS of video! I didn't have fancy equipment but I got plenty of raw moments showcasing amazing talents. I kept trying to condense the footage but just couldn't bring myself to cut out so much... Especially during R.O.T.N.'s colorful performance!Therefore, here is a sneaky peaky! I will be sharing full footage little by little and on Fun Time Radio. Enjoy!
Monday, January 28, 2013
Bday Princess Photo Shoot BTS
Danielle is the best person in the universe so YAY to her bday! We spent her bday at Hoodslam in Vegas. We will definitely be discussing/showing our experience on this weeks episode of Martinez Girlz Radio and Fun Time Radio. To see the shots from this shoot visit my official FB page. I was in photographer mode and Danielle and I made some bday magic!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Friday, January 25, 2013
Last Day of Being 23!
The Road To 23: In A Nutshell
Tomorrow is the day... my big 24th BIRTHDAY!! People say I'm young. Honestly, I feel so old. Childhood definitely slid by too quickly. Dealing with harsh realities, experiencing traumatic situations that rob childhood innocence. Beginning to understand my purpose. I wanted to be a singer/actress (like in old movies), or teacher.
Then, I entered the "Teen years".... which were actually fun! I began my make up career. Started working for Benefit Cosmetics. I began driving... which was so empowering! Especially, when I got to trade in my mom's car for my own new car. Did the long term boyfriend thing. Learned A LOT about relationships and myself. Hanging with friends, going to school (I miss school!!), totally throwing myself into singing and performing. Rebellious craving freedom but still a "good girl."
Then early adulthood hit. 18. Went to college on small music scholarship (Choir) and tons of student loans. Majored in Psychology, which is still a passion of mine! Toured with my choir to Romania. First tastes of freedom. Kinda lost myself for a few years. Became closed off, judgmental, then over-corrected by becoming too open and trusting. 20's hit. I discovered Cannabis. In conjunction with weekly therapy and holistic healing, I began finding peace. Deep exploration of self. I go through Rite of Christian Initiation for adults, in the Catholic Church. I'm confirmed and join the Catholic family. Finally, I dropped out of college. COMPLETELY ended unhealthy relationships. Moved to LA and began pursuing a career in Entertainment. Became business partners with my sister, Shelly. I became heavily involved in the Cannabis community. Working with various dispensaries but ultimately continued working as a make up artist. A brief party phase.
Which brings us to now! Serving coffee as my day job. While still hustling and trying to advance in my dream career. This last year has been the most satisfying I've yet to experience in my adulthood. I'm trying new avenues. I would have NEVER planned on becoming involved in wrestling. Still kinda tripping! I thought I wouldn't fit in. Assumed I wasn't wanted. Now, I'm working alongside wrestlers I call friend. This path feels so natural. I'm letting things organically unfold and take form in my life. 24, show me what you got!
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
VIDEO New Role in CWF Hollywood
Here's the to beginning of Danielle's new role in CWF Hollywood (hollywoodwrestling.com)! Stay tuned to the #SaveWrestling section of shellymartinez.org to see how this character develops!
#CafeDanielle Page Update!
Get in the mood for dating, love, and romance...
Click the picture above to see the updated Café Danielle page from this weeks #MGR
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
VIDEO Danielle Makes Smores
We had so much fun during the holidays this year. We were able to reconnect with family members which is pure gold in my book! Today the Fun Cam brings to you Danielle making smores in my grandmas backyard in Chino. We were hanging out with my cousin Louis, his daughter Selma and our others cousins son Michael. Boy was it cold but totally worth it!
Click HERE to see more!
Click HERE to see more!
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