Sunday, January 25, 2015

26 on the 26th!! Only a couple days left until my birthday!! Every birthday my grandma would ask; "Do you feel older?" These past few years the answer has been YES! Maybe it's the lingering spirit of the New Year. Maybe my subconscious anticipation of turning a year older. Either way, I feel like a more mature version of myself by the time my big day rolls around. This year is no exeception! One can't help but reflect back on life during their birthday season. Especially, comparing the previous year vs. NOW. I remember last year at this time. I felt stuck. Stuck at my cockroach infested, ghetto box, studio apartment. Shelly and I made the best of things. Looking back I realize how much our living situation truly impacted our lives and the descions we made. NOW we live somewhere we thought we'd never afford. A beautiful apartment with many amentities. A peaceful enviornment. A place where we've become true locals... to the point of me working locally! Last year at this time, I would've never believed this would be my reality! I finally left my old job that was leading me nowhere. I began working in a succesful French cafe as a barista. I learned and gain so much from that experience. NOW, I walk to work in a healthy deli/market. I continue to job hunt for a higher paying gig. Meanwhile, this job ain't too shabby! There's been so much I've let go of. Challenging my mindsets. Exploring spirituality. Facing rough emotions that would be easiest to ignore or bury deep within.

If I had to give one word to my life at 25, I think I'd go with "challenging". I feel like I've lived many years in the last year. It was a time of transition. Facing change is challenging. With it comes uncomfortable emotions and uncertainty. A challenge is meant to push your limits. See how far you can truly go or how much you're willing to push on. I had a lot of anxiety last year. Life's growing pains that you can fall victim to or rise above to conquer. I really found my strength. I continue to build it. It hasnt even been 1 month of 2015 and already I've evolved from Danielle of 2014. This year for me is all about the word "FOCUS". I'm still young but inching my way to 30. It's not play time... It's time to buckle down. Start making dedicated commitments. Staying on top of things more and maintaining once I achieve goals. Taking the steps leading to roads I want to be on.

Birthday girl photoshoot! I want to make it a tradition to do a celebratory birthday photohshoot each year. This year Shelly was my photographer again! We had WAY TOO MUCH fun playing with the green screen. I love our at home Martinez Girlz Productions! Crazy things happen. Sometimes, a vortex forms in your living room. Othertimes, The Mertz's are lap dogs to Dean Martin or flying like a super dog. Check out of the fun! The full set is up on Facebook (click here)

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