I've spent years struggling with exercise & dieting, loosing & gaining weight, taking control then giving up out of discouragement. Turning into an emotional & physical battle against myself! Why is getting in shape such a challenge?! Why are routines not sticking & becoming healthy habits? Then I started realizing... maybe it's ME who is making this so difficult! Maybe I'm fighting the process by turning health into a dreaded chore. Actions of making wiser food choices & taking time to exercise is quite simple. Results are pretty immediate & obvious when you're CONSISTENT. Yes, there is elements of sacrifice. Just understand the value of food. Ultimately, we eat for survival & nourishment. Somethings are just unnecessary indulgences that delays progress. Causing you to factor in during workout. Workouts are crucial. I try to approach them with fun mindset ready to release! But we don't always want to add onto cardio because we have to compensate for indulgences. Don't get me wrong... I think it's healthy to have a wise daily indulgence then a weekly day/meal "cheat". Maybe you've been totally focused for days & you decided you "deserve" an early or extra unhealthy indulgence. Sure, hard work CAN be rewarded in that way... but there are healthier rewards. You deserve to feel good about your choices & reap the results of your discipline. Somethings aren't worth it. When I've choosen more "instantly gratifying" options, I find myself falling back, always trying to loose instead of maintaining... focusing on catching up rather than keeping on. Instead, I'm trying to remain in the NOW actions. Accepting wherever you are today. Have healthy intent behind actions. Understand & set goals. Then for goodness sake... be realistic! Remembering "cause & effect" but most importantly DO & BE CONSISTENT.
I'm no health expert just an observant gal sharing her journey. I hope this brings support & encouragement to those who can relate! We only have 1 body for this life. Treat yourself good, we all deserve it. We owe it to our bodies, they do so much for us! ;) It's the time of the season to fall into sexy!!